Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday's are fundayz

Today I decided to enjoy the little things,because really,they aren't so little. Essentially they're memories that're gonna mold my babes personalities :) The one really disturbing thing that happened was my girls holding and petting a tarantula like it was a hamster,and Wes laughing cause I was crying about it,not funny dude.imagine tiny fragile hands with a super-sized creepy crawling death trap engulfing them,really bothered me. Chloe wants one.

we went shopping and to print the family pictures we had done last week,they turned out AWESOME!

THOSE ARE A COUPLE of my favorite,there are many more with my mom,brother & sisters but those can be for another blog :) thank you Adena best photographer EVER.
also while we were on our Krazy Kramer frequent Walmart adventure,I discovered the new diapers,jean diapers,which are super cute but are they the latest baby trend or an excuse to let your kid run around in a diaper & not dress them?

I recently decided to see if I had a green thumb cause I love lilies and snapdragons & Morning Glory's and I thought it'd be cool for the girls to learn how to take care of flowers,i haven't killed them yet and I'm really proud,maybe I can have a garden soon!

Boys are born to drive,

And play video games,


Happy Sunday,and for those of you with little ones in school enjoy the LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!


  1. haha! guess who's wearing those jean diapers? not me! scott bought 'em. Elijah got to do some pretend driving. Crazy how much these little boys love cars! and no one teaches them. I hope he steers away from cars :-/

  2. great pictures btw. your kids are beautiful.

  3. thanks uncle carlos!!! are the diapers cute? btw,it is weird how no one teaches them those things & its just their instinct,that and playing with the wee wee lol

  4. Such passion and with 4 kids... Your family is adorable as always as are you!! Just wanted you to know I read your blog, and to let you know that you are already special to God, to your hubby, to your 4 amazing children and to me!

  5. awwww!!!! xoxoxoxoxo way to top of my night! ;) thanks you princess! ::blushing::

  6. I ditto that Mommy of 3. Couldnt of said it better myself. Love u and ur family darling grand-daughter.

    Gma L.

  7. Brandy Kramer RiveraMay 24, 2010 at 12:19 AM

    Hahaha! Dad says he wants some jean diapers. Carlos told him to cut his jeans into a diaper shape...I told him to please wait and do it when he gets home :)

  8. My friend told me about the denim diapers today! I'm all over them- with some cute piggie tails and a tank top on the beach...! (Not for me, for Ave...) Anyway, if that disgusting insect even LOOKED at my child I would diiieee! You're much braver than I am! Again, so glad you started a blog! love you mel xoxo
